Sustainable forest and biodiversity management online is a result of a nationwide co-operation between finnish forestry schools and JJ-Net Group’s expertise with it’s new innovative, visual e-learning platform. makes use of 360 degree panoramas with professionally tailored content in form of questionnaires, still-images, videos and tasks simulating the real world challenges when it comes to forestry and biodiversity management.

Key benefits:
  • nation wide, real world locations made available for studying year-round
  • accessible anytime, anywhere and with any modern mobile / desktop device (html5)
  • immersive, early stages of VR experience
  • integrates seamlessly with current platforms like Moodle using API’s.

Project is funded by Finnish Board of Education. Task manuscripts and locations are planned by Kpedu, Lao, Pkky, Sampo, Sedu, Tamk & Tredu. Platform & panoramas are created by JJ-Net-Group Oy.

You can preview open learning material from

  • PKKY
  • SEDU
  • LAO
  • JJ-Net Group Oy

Luho's development has been supported and funded by:

Metsämiesten säätiöOpetusministeriö